Friday, January 22, 2010

Got Tako

Forecast was for southwest winds today so we decided to load up the Red Sea boat and go east. There was a little morning sickness that surprised all of us as we approached the head buoy. A beautiful sunrise peaked over the horizon and we headed for the blue water which ended up being green with all the north swell wrapping around.
My friend Kris decided to take out a "tohe" white eel. This suppose to be good eating, but even better if used for bait for catching Ulua. I think he chose the later use.

Tako-man Travis Masutani had the eye today and got three 5-five pound takos. I still need to learn the technique of hunting tako. It's been a slow season for tako but if you know where to look you can find them. Tomorrow's another day so gotta get some rest so we can go dive again.

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