Monday, September 16, 2013

Surfing 101

Every surfer remembers how they started surfing.  This was my nephews Maikas first time surfing and he is only 7 years old.  I think I started when I was in 7th grade.  We've been practicing the steps of paddling, standing up, bending your knees in my living room while watching the pros on TV so when he had the opportunity to paddle out with me he had no fear on jumping on the board and giving it a try.  

We put on our shisedo sunblock, waxed up the board and paddled out to the line up.  I told him about waiting for the right wave to come.  Once you see the wave you position yourself and start to paddle hard and fast.  Then you stand up, bend your knees, and balance.

Someday soon, this little guy will be on his own surfboard ripping it up with the rest of the groms (small surfer kids), playing ukulele after his surf session and sipping his sunny-d on the side.  Watch out guys you don't want to drop in on this boy because he has a mean right hook.

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