Monday, November 12, 2012

Mentawai Diary Day 9/10 HT's

Day 9/10 HT's was going off the hook!  Solid waves let us pull out the big guns and it was as good as it gets!  Here Al (bottom right) is dipping through these huge waves and just making it through.  He plowed through 3 of these waves just making it to safety.

Amy Chiang also had paddled into some bomb sets that probably was her biggest waves of her life!  She would just go when the boys were saying no no! Just making it down and getting the shot made her trip complete!

Others out in the line up from the surf camp paid their dues!  This guy wasn't so lucky!

These local guys come out to our boat and try and sell carvings each day.  Everyone got some nice things to take home. Stay tuned! I got so many good photos of everyone, I'm excited to go home and put them up on my blog!  Time to pack up and make our way home!  Another excited Red Sea Ocean Adventure in the Mentawai islands!

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