Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wayde Pool

Remember those "Small Kid" dayz when the bathtub felt like an olympic sized swimming pool? Or when going to the Big Island was like going to other side of the world?  Then you got older, took a few trips, met more people, and your world became smaller.  Then 20 years later, you find out your neighbors brothers son-n-law is good friends with your uncles daughters sister and your world became even smaller.  Went for a dive one day with USA World team diver, Wayde Hayashi is still just a kid at heart!  As big an ocean we have to play in, the Red Sea Paparazzi caught him in his personal "Wayde Pool".  He loves the ocean and any chance he can get in some surf or dive while spending quality time with his wife Angela and 3-year old son Reece is what life is about.


Mini said...

Definitely a kid a heart. One who never loses appreciate for life's simple treasures.

Unknown said...

Wayde is an individual that does everything with pride, dedication and with a passion. The secret for keeping young is to think young.