Saturday, April 26, 2008

Springtime Ono

Springtime in Hawaii is the best! We got good surf, light winds, clean water, & opportunities to go dive! The weather was so nice to dive we decided to go out and look for some pelagics. Boats were out trolling in force, chasing birds, hoping to land the big one. I saw the aku boat, "Nissei" hooking up and just waited for the boat to pass me so I could get a glipmse of the underwater action. Instead, we moved location and did a drop, while chumming for Ono. I was about to surface when near the bottom swam two nice Onos toward me. I turned, looked and they began swimming away from me. I had one far shot and got lucky as my shaft penetrated the back third of the fish. I've seen some big Ono this year, and was stoked to land this one.