Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Boat Fish or Dive

Past few days have been beautiful on the windward side so we decided to load up and go fishing.

Unfortunately the pelagics were slow and nothing bit so the boys decided to go zzzz.  Thatʻs how it goes sometimes.  

If pelagics not biting the hook the plan "b" was to go find the reef fish.  Kirby Fukunaga , Kylen Yamakawa, Izaiah Moniz and me boarded the Go-Naminori boat and headed out for a quick dive.  

This is the beautiful "Chinamans Hat".  

In a few hours and 74 dives later for me our cooler catch looked like this and boys were very happy and tired.

Here Kylen (left) and Izaiah (right) with their prize.  Good job boys! Keep on diving!

1 comment:

Rina Millie said...

amazing pictures. this place looks very attractive. you guys really having a great fun out there. i really enjoyed going through this post. keep sharing more. Fishing In Dubai