Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sunshine finally!

Wednesday finally stopped raining and sun started shining so we decided to head out to the market. Most of the island was raining and created dirty water scenarios so we headed to the North shore which seemed the cleanest water. Kirby Fukunaga and James Oshiro joined me for a fun day of diving.
On the way to our spot we were greeted by a pod of dolphins, about 100 dolphins just cruising and enjoying life. They followed us for a while then we departed to go dive. Tried for Ono's but instead came across Ukus. Had a few big ones in the 15 lb range come in but they were smart. You don't have much time to spear a hungry uku as they may come in for a few bites of chum then disappear. I had one come up and he got greedy so I let him have it.

Kirby later got a good shot off on a Awa and Uhu which was perfect for an upcoming bbq. Thanks guys for another great day on the ocean!

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