Every trip I go on people always ask how was the surf or diving? It's all good, but the more important question is who did you go with? Lots of times we meet new first time travelers and on this trip I got to meet lots of new people. Kosei joined up by himself, got the pass from his family, never went spearfishing, but loved to surf.

He bought a new 100 cm Omer speargun, extra shafts, and was so stoked to go diving with us. I could feel his energy as he listened intently to our instructions on what to do and what not to do. We taught him how to breath up, relax, hold the gun and on his second drop he speared his first fish! I can guarantee his life will never be the same.

I've heard so much about "Dove" wetsuits also that when I heard Tokura-san was on board, I was humbled to meet him. I was a little embarrassed wearing my worn-down, ripped up wetsuit but maybe some day I will be able to purchase a wetsuit from him. They use the best quality rubber and all the top Japanese surfers use "Dove" wetsuits. He loved his sashimi and we were stoked to be able to celebrate his birthday with him in the Mentawais. Check out www.dovewet.com for more info.
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