Today was one of those magical days. I had a few hours to spare so headed out with my friends for a quick jump in the ocean to catch a couple fish. As soon as we arrived at our spot we jumped in and were blessed with this double rainbow. Was it a sign from above?

James aka "McGuyver" was on board and his eagle eye spotted the fish from above. For those of you who know James, he is Da Man! He put on the mark and within a few minutes we saw fish:)

Dr. Erick Itoman went down deep on a dive to investigate some movement and found this nice Uku cruising below. He came up and I saw his shot was solid and the fish wasn't going anywhere but in the boat. We were targeting pelagics and hoping to see a ono (wahoo) come by and one did. These fish are like ghosts, they appear from nowhere and just show up out of the blue. When I saw it I must have been real happy and smiled as my mask started filling up with water. I angled my head so I could see above the waterline in my mask and dove down and took my best shot.

Luckily it stuck in the mid section as my float took off. I didn't know how good my shot was since my mask was flooding so I resurfaced, went for ride, and gingerly brought the fish in as my dive partner Erick gave him the second shot.

Came home and weighed in at 40 lbs. We were blessed from above!
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