Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Kiribati day 1

Been off the grid for past week visiting Kiribati.  Got lots to share with some good footage to air on HSDTV.  3 hour flight from HNL to Kiribati is really nice!

Matt from New Mexico is now their official sign holder and welcomes the guests.  We got there at 7:30 am, unpacked and headed straight out to the dive grounds.

Brandon Riley getting his first long nose emperor.   Brandon is a contractor and learned to dive from Kitt.  He was mentored by Kitt and fortunate to have the chance to follow Kitt around.

Master Kitt showing us all up with a pair of yellow lip emperor and a long nose emperor.  Kitt is in his 60's and still charges hard.  Very personable and polite Electrician who loves to dive!  Kitt is a great diver and enjoys traveling with Red Sea Ocean Adventures.

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