What a memorial day 2009! Last night I had vivid dreams of 3 pronging blue uhus on the street so I couldn't sleep. At the last minute we decide to load up and beat the sandbar crowd down at the pier. We were one the first so the coast guard decides to inspect our boat and we pass with no problems...Whew! Kris Tyler decides to close shop and Travis Masutani has been enjoying the life of a free man or free diver or free surfer whatever you call it but he wanted to test out his new 120 cm. Riffe Eurogun. Not even 5 minutes in the water we spot a solo ono coming in to investigate. 1 minute later, I pull my trigger and 5 minutes later he was on the boat. Travis then spots another two onos making their pass and as it begins to swim away he puts on the trottle and chases after it. Kris and I watch as he takes a far shot and penetrates the back third of the fish. It runs hard but after we put the second shot in the fish was done. Travis was stoked as it was his first ono. We take a water break and back we go looking for more. We were on our last pieces of chum and about to give up when the ono pile decides to pass by. I peer over to Kris to see if he see it and he is already lining up on one. We simultaneously pull our triggers and Ka-boom the basookas go off with success! Another lucky-day in the making as we head back in to beat the crowd for a memorial day to remember.
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